Eisenhower Elementary - Fort Leavenworth, Kansas - Elementary School

Eisenhower Elementary

Phone - 913-651-6663
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Eisenhower Elementary
Grades Taught/District Info
Male/Female Population
Male Female Total
282 265 547
Students by Race
Race Count %
American Indian - Alaskan 5 0.91
Asian - Pacific Islander 13 2.38
Black 61 11.15
Hispanic 42 7.68
White 426 77.88
Student by Grade Count
Eisenhower Elementary Reviews

From: parent p parent | submitted: Mar 30, 2010
Attention: If you are moving into this school and have a gifted student. You will have to appeal through the local county Special Education cooperative and state education department in order to get attention for your child. There are 2 long standing practices the school administration uses to discourage consideration for the gifted program: 1) using test scores as the sole criteria contrary to state and county guidelines and 2) an informal policy not allowing administrators to inform parents of their rights according to Kansas law that parents can request an evaluation. Administrators are opposed to complying with the standards and are frightened of reprisal if they were to violate the local policy regarding rights notification. Its an unfortunate mark on an otherwise good school.

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